Web Scraping with AWS Lambda

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6 mins read

What is AWS Web Scraping anyway?

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites. It involves using software to collect large amounts of data from websites, often for analysis or research purposes.

Web scraping can be a useful tool for businesses and individuals looking to gather information from various sources quickly and efficiently. However, it is important to ensure that you are complying with any applicable laws or website terms of use when scraping data.

The below project article describes my process of building a web-sraper to scrape publicly avaialble email/phone from sites navbar.

⚠️ Web scraping can potentially be illegal. Please ensure that any scraping activities are conducted in a lawful and ethical manner. The below project was a part of my internship project

AWS Lambda Web Crawler


This project contains source code and supporting files for a serverless application that you can deploy with the SAM CLI. It includes the following files and folders.

  • webcrawler - Code crawling a website
  • emailphoneextractor - Code for the extracting email/phone
  • events - Invocation events that you can use to invoke the function.
  • template.yaml - A template that defines the application's AWS resources.

The application uses several AWS resources, including Lambda functions and a Step-Function. These resources are defined in the template.yaml file in this project. You can update the template to add AWS resources through the same deployment process that updates your application code.

Deploy the sample application

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. It uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda. It can also emulate your application's build environment and API.

To use the SAM CLI, you need the following tools.

NOTE: Create a s3 bucket through aws console or cli as below

  $ aws s3 mb s3://YOUR_UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME

and update template.yaml where the lambda can store >the crawled pages

  Type: String
  Default: YOUR_UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME # bucket name has to >be globally unique

To build your application for the first time, run the following in your shell:

$ git clone https://github.com/theerakesh/lambda-web-crawler.git
$ cd lambda-web-crawler/
$ sam build

The first command will build the source of your application. The second command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts

Use the SAM CLI to build and test locally


Build your application with the sam build command.

$ sam build

The SAM CLI installs dependencies defined in hello-world/package.json, creates a deployment package, and saves it in the .aws-sam/build folder.


Test a single function by invoking it directly with a test event. An event is a JSON document that represents the input that the function receives from the event source. Test events are included in the events folder in this project.

Run functions locally and invoke them with the sam local invoke command.

$ sam local invoke WebCrawlerFunction --event events/event.json


$ sam deploy --guided

Once deployed you can use the step function to invoke the lambda as follows

  • First provide a Input as event

  • Start execution and u can see following out based on the steps fails or passes

  • fail

  • pass

  • Now you can select the state and see the respective input/output e.g. after selecting state EmailPhoneExtractor


Understanding how the lambdas works

First Lambda/webcrawler

  1. It checks if the the website has already been fetched by checking if there's a folder by that domain if it exists it passes control over to second lambda

     const found = await s3.listObjectsV2({ Bucket: uploadParams.Bucket, Prefix: `${url}/`, MaxKeys: 1 }).promise()
     if (found.Contents.length > 0) {
       return {
         'statusCode': 200,
         'domain': url,
         'body': `domain has already been fetched ${JSON.stringify(found)}`
  2. First lambda webcrawler uses axios to fetch the website then it leverages cheerio to extract all the links in navbar

        const links = new Set()
        const data = await axios.get(`https://${url}`).data
        const $ = cheerio.load(data)
          // using cheerio selector
        $('nav a').each((i, e) => {
  3. Now a simple for loop to fetch all the links asynchronously and write the content of them to a s3 bucket as an object with key as domain

     for (let i of links) {
       try {
         let response = await axios.get(i).data
         try {
             s3data = await s3.putObject(uploadParams).promise()
           } catch (e) {
             return {
               'statusCode': 400,
               'body': JSON.stringify(e)
       } catch (e) {
           return {
             'statusCode': 400,
             'body': JSON.stringify(e)

Second Lambda/EmailPhoneExtractor

  1. First it checks if the website has already been scanned for emails and passwords using dynamodb cache
    try {
      const dbResult = await db
          TableName: tableName,
          Key: {
            domain: url,
      if (dbResult) {
        return {
          statusCode: 200,
          body: `emails: ${JSON.stringify(dbResult.Item.emails)}, phones: ${JSON.stringify(
    } catch (e) {
      return {
        statusCode: 400,
        body: `Problem with table ${tableName} error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`,
  2. If the record is not found it gets all the objects from S3 Bucket using key url
    let res = (
      await s3.listObjectsV2({ Bucket: process.env.S3BucketName, Prefix: `${url}/` }).promise()
  3. Now it scan each page one by one using regex to find email/phone
    const objectData = (
      await s3.getObject({ Bucket: process.env.S3BucketName, Key: r.Key }).promise()
    let email_matches = objectData.match(emailRegex)
    let phone_matches = objectData.match(phoneRegex)
  4. Regex used for email
    const emailRegex =
  5. Regex used for phone numbers
    const phoneRegex =
      /(?<!\d)(\+ ?\d{1,2}[\s\u00A0]?)\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-\u00A0]?\d{3}[\s.-\u00A0]?\d{4}(?!\d)/g
    // I had to use negative look-behind (?<!\d) and negative lookahead (?!\d) to stop matching any random 10 digit occurences
  6. Results found then are written to dynamodb table for faster access and then it returns the results

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